Exceptional Senior Primary Care Focused on You

Leading Medicare Participating Doctors You Can Trust

At Complete Health®, our goal is to keep you happy, healthy, and at home. You have a dedicated care team focused on your individual needs. But it doesn’t stop there. We support you in and out of the clinic. Unique services for seniors, connecting you with resources to make the most of your benefits, and 24/7 phone support are just a few ways we’re putting patients first.


Why Complete Health?


We provide you with personalized healthcare, preventive services, 有专业人才和先进技术支持的专业高级课程, ensuring exceptional patient care.

Specialized Senior Services

我们的老年服务是专为满足您的特殊需求而设计的,因为您的年龄和医疗保险优势以及大多数医疗保险患者, ensuring you receive the comprehensive care you deserve.


我们的紧急护理是通过提供广泛的服务来解决紧急但不危及生命的问题,帮助您避免不必要的急诊室就诊, including minor ailments, accidents, and everyday discomforts.

Patient Reviews

Medicare and Medicare Advantage Plans Accepted

Complete Health accepts most Medicare and Medicare Advantage plans. To view a complete list of the insurance plans we accept, please click here

Wellness Resources

Primary Care FAQs

初级保健提供者治疗各种疾病,并帮助管理患者一生中的许多健康相关问题. 初级保健被认为是所有非紧急医疗状况的一线治疗途径. 初级保健医生专注于管理整个身体,在需要时协调转介给专家.

Primary care practitioners help their patients navigate their chronic medical conditions, reducing risk factors for diseases and improving overall wellness. 初级保健提供者与帮助您和您的家人提高生活质量和延长寿命有关, healthier life while reducing the overall cost of medical care.


  • “In-Network” providers. 健康保险计划与供应商签订了特定的合同,使这些供应商成为您保险的首选供应商. 如果你的主要保险是医疗保险,确保诊所有参加医疗保险的初级保健医生.
  • Expertise meets your health needs. 不同类型的初级保健医生的执业范围可能有所不同, 因此,选择一位能满足你或你家人医疗需求的医生是很重要的.
  • Referrals. 与家庭成员,朋友和同事交谈,看看他们选择谁作为初级保健医生. This can give you first-hand knowledge about a provider.
  • Logistics. Selecting a doctor’s office close to your home, work, 或者孩子的学校可以减少参加预约的麻烦,并在生病时迅速获得检查.
  • Make an appointment. 如果你对提供者或他们的办公室不完全满意,就安排一次预约, there is no harm in choosing a different physician.

Primary care providers provide a wide range of medical services including acute, chronic, and preventive treatments. 初级保健医生可以评估和治疗非紧急医疗问题,如咳嗽, colds, urinary tract infections, 一般的肌肉骨骼问题,而不需要昂贵的急诊室或及时的护理账单.

初级保健提供者也与他们所照顾的病人保持长期关系 chronic medical conditions such as diabetes 还有高血压,必要时协调转诊给专家. During your annual wellness exam, 医生会安排适当的筛检,并提供健康生活的建议.

Yes. The primary care doctors at the many Complete Health locations accept Medicare, including traditional Medicare, medicare supplemental plans, and several Medicare Advantage plans.

如果你是初来乍到,最好的预约方式是打电话给诊所 primary care clinic nearest you and talk to one of our patient care specialists. 他们会在我们的系统中登记,并安排你的第一次预约.

If you are already a patient at our clinic, use the patient portal to schedule your next appointment. For patients new to the portal, no worries, create a new account and follow the prompts to set up your account. 患者门户允许随时随地访问您的护理.

During your first appointment, the focus will be on learning about you. Your primary care doctor will obtain information about your medical history, specific needs, 以及您可能存在的任何问题,以便将来的访问更加个性化.

一般的身体检查将进行,这取决于访问的原因, specific exams and tests may be performed.

去初级保健医生办公室的频率取决于你的年龄和健康状况. For patients under 50 who are healthy, you may only need to visit the doctor’s office once every three years. For those 50 and older, 通常建议每年至少进行一次初级保健随访. 这一年一次的建议也是那些服用处方药的人所需的最低次数.

对于那些需要经常评估的慢性病患者, such as diabetes, 每三个月或更早去看一次初级保健医生并不罕见. 每个人的情况将决定你需要多久去看一次医生.

When visiting your primary care doctor’s office, 带上你目前的健康保险信息和任何需要医生填写的文件. 携带一份你目前的身体状况和包括维生素/补充剂在内的药物清单是很重要的, with the name, dosage, and frequency of each medication. Finally, create a list of questions you want to ask the doctor, 这将确保你充分利用你的约会,并在离开时感到满意,因为你所有的问题都得到了回答.

Yes. 初级保健从业人员在管理包括糖尿病和高血压在内的各种慢性疾病方面受过良好的培训. 初级保健医生可以安排适当的检查来监测疾病,并根据需要开药. In addition, 他们会安排适当的筛选测试来监测慢性疾病对你身体的影响. 如果需要,初级保健提供者可以与专家协调预约.

Complete Health office. Our knowledgeable staff can help guide your next steps. 对于危及生命或可能导致严重残疾的伤害或疾病, 在这种情况下,拨打911并获得紧急护理是最好的方法.

In non-emergent situations, 我们的办公室可以与您的供应商团队联系,以便在接下来的管理步骤中获得快速响应. If after-hours, 一个随叫随到的服务提供者将能够为你提供最初的管理步骤,并帮助你安排与医生办公室的预约.

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